Respect and social recognition

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Respect and social recognition

Post by rani3k »

The social function of education that recognizes students as active subjects of people and rights and pays attention to the specificities of local, regional, national and international contexts must contribute to the transformation of national social, political and economic realities. Achieve peace that overcomes poverty and exclusion, rebuilds social fabric and promotes democratic values ​​and the formation of a free, supportive and autonomous citizenry. Strengthening public education at all levels as a priority issue in national and regional agendas and in development and investment plans of municipal, departmental and national entities to ensure equality, equity and inclusion. The Colombian state will ensure, through sustained public policies, the allocation, investment and management of adequate, adequate and progressive educational resources and strengthen decentralization, regional autonomy and educational management based on criteria of effectiveness, efficiency, transparency and quality. and common interests. Education as a national policy must be reflected in policies, plans, programmes, projects and actions that promote culture, research, innovation, knowledge, science, technology and technology to promote comprehensive, sustainable and sustainable human development by expanding opportunities.

For the betterment of individuals, communities, regions and nations. Research, innovation and the establishment of content, practice and evaluation according to the stage of development, expectations to promote curriculum renewal, the articulation of school Qatar Phone Number levels and the basic functions of education and the social construction of learning and knowledge, as well as the individual and collective needs of students depending on their background and current world. The Colombian education system must be based on pedagogy and on of teachers' behavior as fundamental themes of the quality educational process. The state will guarantee decent living conditions for teachers to promote their professional, personal and moral development. Establish an education system that integrates different models, responds to their concepts and specificities and is articulated for common goals, within the framework of the Colombian political constitution and the special regulatory norms regulating education for ethnic and cultural diversity.


Educational systems must design teaching programs and create physical, psychosocial and security conditions to meet the educational needs of all community victims of armed conflict. Education systems must ensure that girls, boys, adolescents and adults respect the diversity of their race, gender, sexual choice, disabilities, exceptions, age, beliefs, displacement, imprisonment, reintegration or detachment and create conditions that pay special attention to those in need crowd. Education must be a goal of national policy expressed in socially agreed statutory law[] to reinforce its public, free, inclusive and quality character. The consultations that prepared the 10-year plan, recorded over the internet, produced an agenda of issues including those raised by figures but agreed. Integrate science and technology into education.
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