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Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 10:47 am
by aliciarabin4
In other articles we already talked about the importance of generating a good first impression. The road to SUCCESS is full of second chances from which we learn and with which we refine our machinery, but we do not have a second chance to improve our first impression. It is vital to achieve excellence in communication with our customers: What do you think of a company that attends you (person or machine) with an unpleasant tone of voice? Would you hire a support company that you call by phone and you can hardly talk to someone because of the poor quality of their phone system? What reliability transmits a business that does not attend your contact forms? Would you hire a supplier that does not even tell you in any way what their business hours are? In all of these cases, your customer would feel the same way about you. And the lead would flee in terror.

These simple details generate very deep feelings and emotions of frustration that are associated with our brand and difficult to reverse, drastically lowering the Phone Number List satisfaction rates of our customers, and therefore, moving us away from SUCCESS. What do you think happens when your competitor appears and gives them what they need? *Tip: Ordinary, downward, get-out-of-the-way solutions generate ordinary, downward, get-out-of-the-way results. If you’ve made it this far into the article, it’s because that’s not what you want. Solutions such as ANIA, the Artificial Intelligence Business Assistant, developed by are able to: transcribe from text to speech and vice versa, translate between multiple languages recognize natural language hold a conversation with customers from any country to understand what you want determine if you have all the data to complete a task ask for the data you need to complete it and run processes on computer systems All of this without the need for human intervention.


Automation frees your staff from the most tedious and repetitive tasks, increases their efficiency and improves their working conditions while reducing their stress levels. In addition, you get advantages that represent a value proposition for our customers, since they will wait less, they will have more information through more communication channels, the information will be more accurate and they will feel better served. On the other hand, the company will reduce human errors, increase its profitability and improve its brand image. Undoubtedly, a correct implementation of automatic processes in your business will generate a flow of benefits that will quickly propel you to SUCCESS.