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aespa Gives Opinion About Hate Comment, Giselle: Just a Waste of Time! Trisha Caicardica

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 6:39 am
by Zahid Hasan
As one of the most successful 4th generation girl groups, Asp's career didn't go smoothly without a hitch. There are many things they have to face to get to where they are today, including negative comments from netizens or hate comments . Launching koreaboo , through the radio show ' Zach Sang Show ' which they attended recently, Aespa shared about how they deal with negative things such as hate comments. Ningning confidently said, "Actually, I don't care (with negative comments). Yes, we don't care." Meanwhile, Karina explained that aespa had cared about negative comments about them, but now they prefer to see the good side of these comments rather than feel sad and hurt by it.

"Initially, we really cared about them. But now we think it (hate comments) is a form of attention," said Karina. He continued, "You know how the saying goes, 'The opposite of love is not hate, but apathy.' So we just try to see it as a good thing and move on." Giselle added that in the past she was also used to reading online posts about Industry Email List herself, both positive and negative. Realizing that it was not healthy for her, the people around Giselle helped her to break the habit. They point out that although some hate comments have constructive criticism, he doesn't have to hurt himself by reading them because he's already aware of the flaws. "Honestly, at the beginning of debut.

I saw all those (comments). But people around me said, 'Why are you looking at that? What's the point? Nothing will change anyway. You already know what you have to do and what to do. you master.'" He realized that the energy he expended thinking about his hater could actually be used for more useful activities such as practicing harder and developing himself. "That kind of thing hit me and I was like, 'That's right. What's the point? This is a waste of time.' I don't speak ill of those people, but for me, it's such a waste of time to do that when I can use that time to develop myself." Giselle also said that she no longer reads comments from haters, "Since then, I haven't seen much (hate comments) anymore." That's what Aespa thinks about the hate comments they get, what do you think? This article is a submission from a Yoursay member. The contents and photos of this article are entirely the responsibility of the sender.